A penetration test provides an attacker’s-eye view of where the vulnerabilities present in your environment can be exploited. A well-conducted penetration test will help you determine whether your policies and processes are providing you with sufficient protection.

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The process begins when a customer agrees to select our Testing Assessment solution and submits the order form with a completed Services Agreement.

  1. Partial Knowledge Penetration Test.
    • You may choose to provide certain information to the Penetration Test Team and work with them from the outset of the security auditing process. In such a partial knowledge test (sometimes referred to as “open” testing), you provide the tester with data about the environment to be tested.
  2. Zero-Knowledge Penetration Test.
    • Some organizations believe that a zero-knowledge attack—one where you begin with no information or assistance from the client—is best, because the tester will work under the same conditions as an attacker.


  • Help gain and maintain certification to industry regulation (ISO 27001, HIPAA, Visa/MasterCard PCI, etc.).
  • Conform to industry best practice by following legal and regulatory structures.


  • Vulnerability Scan Report.
  • Penetration Test Result Report.
  • Prioritized Threat Analysis and Recommendations for Mitigation of Threats.