LT Auditor+: Syslog Server

LT Auditor+ Syslog Server quickly and reliably extracts critical syslog messages imbedded in a sea of unintelligible, hard to decipher, duplicate syslog messages and presents the information in easy to read, meaningful reports.

LT Auditor+ Syslog Server can process in excess of 2 million messages / hour.

Features and Benefits

  • Quality Data: Removes the complexity from SYSLOG messages by collecting log data from network devises or applications and transforming unstructured data into clear and concise information.
  • Real-Time Alerts: Get notified in real time when critical changes occur on network devices such as configuration changes or access violations.
  • Audit Data Reduction: Allows for complex filtering from hundreds and thousands of messages per second so as to collect relevant data for auditing. This avoids the clutter and noise associated with enormous volumes of event log data, providing for high quality reporting and forensic analysis.
  • Log Retention: Permits the storage of all logs in compressed formats. This feature assists organizations retain logs either for meeting mandated compliance requirements or incident management investigations.
  • Supports Multiple Message Formats: Processes messages received in different formats such as plain text, key value pairs and JSON formats.
  • Data Transformation: Permits the use of multiple text processing techniques such as Regular Expressions (RegEx) to transform cryptic messages into clear concise information.
Featured Articles


LT Auditor+ XDAS Report

LT Auditor+ XDAS Report

Raw NAS Syslog Messages

Raw NAS Syslog Messages

Transformed NAS LT Auditor+ Report

Transformed NAS LT Auditor+ Report

Raw Cisco Syslog Messages

Raw Cisco Syslog Messages

Transformed LT Auditor+ Report

Transformed LT Auditor+ Report

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Login Activity
Failed Login Activity
Configuration Updates
Connection Opened
ICMP Packet Dropped
Website Access Denied
TCP Connection Dropped
Website Accessed

Report Template

TCP Connection Denied
Deny inbound UDP
Deny inbound ICMP
Deny TCP (no connection)
Level 0 (Emergency) Messages
level 1 (Alert) Messages
Level 2 (Critical) Messages
Level 3 (Error) Messages
Level 4 (Warning) Messages
Unique Login by User
Break Glass by User Report
Patient Chart by User Report
Patient Chart by Organization Report
Patient Chart unique view by User Report
All Logon Related Report
SSH Login Report
SU Login Report
SUDO Activity Report
PAM Activity Report
All Failed Logon Related Report
Failed SSH Login Report
Failed SU Login Report
Failed SUDO Activity Report
Failed PAM Activity Report