LT Auditor+ Best Practices Panels app Installation


BLUE LANCE has packaged the LT Auditor+ Best Practices Panels as a Power BI App to view dashboards and reports for data collected in LT Auditor+


  • The organization must have an Office 365 account and Power BI Pro licenses for users who require access to view data in the panels.
  • A version of LT Auditor Build21 or later has been installed and configured in the organization.
  • To view interactive dashboards and reports within the app, the organization must have a valid LT Auditor+ license or a trial license that has not expired.
  • LT Auditor+ must be configured to collect:
    •       Successful and Failed Logon Activity
    •       Account Lockout Activity
    •       Active Directory and Group Policy modifications
    •       Data from the following LT Auditor+ Windows Assessment scans:
        1. PBI_Users.ps1
        2. PBI_GroupMembers.ps1
        3. PBI_ADObjectSecurity.ps1
        4. PBI_DomainLockoutPasswordPolicy.ps1

Note: It is recommended that these scans are scheduled for running daily. Details on how to configure and set up LT Auditor+ is available in the supporting documentation@ as well as in the how-to videos.

` Sample data

  • The app comes with sample data so you can trial the app before connecting to your instance of the LT Auditor+ Database.


The app can be installed either from Microsoft AppSource or from the Blue Lance website.

Installation from Microsoft AppSource

  1. Login to Power BI -> Select Apps and click Get Apps
  2. Locate the LT Auditor+ Best Practices Panels app
  3. Click on the app to get more information as shown below:
  4. Click GET IT NOW to view profile information prompt
  5. Input requested information and click Continue.
  6. Proceed to App Installation

Installation from Blue Lance Website

  1. Go to Blue Lance Downloads and click the Install Now button in the LT Auditor+ Best Practices section.
  2. You will be prompted to confirm that you meet the listed requirements:
  4. You will be prompted to login to your Power BI account if not already logged in
  5. After sign-in you will be prompted to install the app

App Installation

  1. The following steps install the app in your organization.
  2. Click Install and wait while the app is installed. After installation, you will be prompted to click ‘Go to the App’.
  3. The app comes with sample data. Click on any of the panels to view this data.
  4. To connect the app to your LT Auditor+ Database, click Connect your data on the popup alert at the top of the page.
  5. In the pop-up, enter information for the following parameters
    • Past Days – This parameter defines the number of days to retrieve information from the LT Auditor+ database and must be a negative number. Blue Lance recommends -30.
    • Server Name – The name of the Microsoft SQL Server instance hosting the LT Auditor+ database. This can be either an Azure SQL database instance or an On-Prem Microsoft SQL Server instance.
    • Database Name – The name of the production LT Auditor+ database (default: LTAProductionDB).
    • Dormancy Age – The number of days after which an Active Directory account is deemed dormant. (default: 90).
    • Click Next to close and proceed to connecting app to your LT Auditor+ database

Connecting app to your LT Auditor+ database

  • If your LT Auditor+ database is on an Azure SQL database please follow instructions outlined in ‘Connecting to an Azure SQL Database’ section. If your database is on an On-Prem Microsoft SQL database please jump to the section ‘Connecting to an On-Prem Microsoft SQL Database’

Connecting to an Azure SQL Database

  1. Clicking Next, from step 6 above, will prompt for credentials to connect to your Azure SQL LT Auditor+ database.
  2. input User name and Password and click ‘Sign in and connect’
  3. Proceed to the section on Scheduled Refresh

Connecting to an On-Prem Microsoft SQL Database

  1. Connection to an On-prem SQL database requires a Power BI Gateway. The following sections assume that the Power BI Gateway has been installed with access to the LT Auditor+ production database. Please follow the instructions below to connect to the gateway.
  2. Click Go back at the bottom of the page.
  3. Click on the Workspace ‘LT Auditor+ Best Practices Panels’
  4. Highlight the Dataset ‘LT Auditor+ Best Practices Panel’
  5. Click on More options
  6. Select Settings
  7. Select Gateway connection.
    • If the Power BI Gateway has been configured correctly, the status should show Running.
    • To connect, drop down the ‘Maps To’ and select the Gateway mapping to the LT Auditor+ Database and click Apply

Scheduled Refresh

    • Click Scheduled refresh to set up a refresh schedule for the Panels. Blue Lance recommends setting up a schedule refresh of 2 hours from 5:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. Please enable Send refresh failure notification to the dataset
    • Close Settings and get back to the dataset. Click Refresh button to manually refresh the dataset.

Sharing LT Auditor+ Best Practices Panels with other in the organization

    1. You can give others in the organization access by clicking on Access in the LT Auditor+ Best Practices Workspace. Please note users would require a Power BI Pro license to view the panels in the App.